Sunday, June 24, 2018

Gender Reveal #3

Tj and I cheated this time around. Our impatience got to us and we opted for the blood test to determine the gender of the baby several weeks early. As soon as we returned from Hawaii and had our 12 week appointment we went for it. I had a lot of mixed feelings about doing a gender reveal this time around. We had such big gender reveal parties for the girls in Orlando and this time around we'd be staying in Denver and it just wouldn't be the same without all of our family and friends. But I was not ok with just checking our email for the results. Even it wasn't as big, it's still a big deal and I wanted to make sure we made it special. 

We went to a local bakery to have them fill some cupcakes with pink or blue. I handed the worker my phone and told her to scroll for the results. She was so sweet and I could tell she was a little nervous. She was careful to make sure I didn't see the results when she handed the phone back to me. We headed home to dig in!

We let Noelle bite into the first cupcake and tell us what it was and recorded it all!


Tiny girl gang here we come!! We are still soaking up all thoughts and emotions of another sweet baby girl. We kind of expected it but are still somewhat shocked! For those of you who know my family, it's super crazy that my brother truly has all the boys (five) and we got all the girls. We are truly blessed to get to raise three best friends!! God has a plan for this sweet girl and we know she will fit perfectly as the last puzzle piece to this family. No matter what our wishes were, I can truly say that I am so happy to fulfill God's plan for my life, including putting three intelligent, kind hearted, confident, strong and beautiful black girls out into the world. BLACK GIRLS ROCK!!!!!!

The hair, LORD, the hair!! God please grant me the patience to do four heads of hair in this household. Just call it the Salon of Hazley!

And just as I did for both girls, this sweet girl also gets a prayer!

Lord Jesus! I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have three children, it is truly a dream come true to bring another baby into this world and with the man of my dreams!!! Baby girl, you have been so anticipated. I've wanted you longer than I can remember. You will be the final puzzle piece and you have no idea how excited we all are to greet you. I want you to always know that you were wanted and loved. You were not an oops, you were not a mistake, we did not get pregnant with you to have a boy. You were planned and prayed for. We already know that you are one of the best things that has ever happened to us. I pray that you always know your worth and your strength. I pray that you have a heart to make change in the world we live in today. That you aren't afraid to use your voice and stand up for injustice. I pray that you never feel the pressure to fit in but to only be yourself! Because being anything else but you is corny and God made only one you. I pray that your bond with your sisters is unbreakable, that you find strength in your relationships with them. I pray that you know from a very young age who you are and where you're headed. I pray that even being the little sister you set an example for your sisters and light fires under them because of what you accomplish. I pray that you seek after the heart of God! I cannot wait to see your beautiful face!!!

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