Monday, June 18, 2018

Baby Hazley #3

I can hardly even believe I'm writing this post! This baby is a prayer answered and a dream realized! For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted three children and this baby feels like the completion of our family. Tj did not buy a ticket to this train while we were dating, engaged or even married but he came around and I'm so grateful to God!! 

Three will be a game changer. I was once told that if you want six children, you'll get the same feel with three. I know that baby number three will mean a crazy, at times chaotic house hold.  It will mean that we may be a hub for all the kid's friends to gather. It will mean proms, cars and college tuitions x3. It will also mean a FULL house during the holidays once our children marry and have children of their own. It mean love that will span generations. Just think of the grandchildren we can get out of three kids! My parents will have eight between just my brother and I. The love that is waiting for us on the other side of this baby is incredibly exciting and scary as all hell. But with this man as my teammate we will handle it like pros. 

Lois did smile at least once!

God is faithful and saying He gave me the desires of my heart with this baby would be an understatement. We are now 13 weeks and counting down until our sweet baby arrives in December. I promise to keep you guys posted as often as possible and keep it all the way real when the baby gets here as to how we're surviving. I'm excited to have a new house project (the nursery)! Hoping this is a revival of sorts for the blog, stay tuned!!

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