Saturday, September 2, 2017

Dining Room Update

There are so many projects going on over here that it's hard sometimes focus on just one. We are still renovating the basement which is going slow but steady. The living room and dining room still have a ways to go but we've made some big leaps on the dining room with the instillation of our bench cushion. I knew it was going to help make the space look finished but I didn't expect it to look this complete. We had to wait almost 3 months for the cushion to be completed but it was worth the wait because I am loving how it's coming together. 

We are still trying to decide on a rug for the living room. I have been searching pinterest for dining rooms and have seen lots with rugs and without. I guess it is just a preference. With the way Noelle drops food on the floors, I am definitely leaning towards no. Any advice to give?

Here lies my next project for this space. I bought this table thinking more because of how great the size and shape of it was. I wasn't sold on the color but I thought once I saw it in the space I would make a decision. Well, I don't like all. So I plan of sanding and staining it another color. To be honest, I have never done anything like this before but my father has his own cabinet business so I will be calling him a hundred times to ask him his opinion and exactly how to execute it. 

The mirror we recently purchased from Target. I had seen the mirror several times online and in other people's spaces but I had never seen it in person. Well I finally saw it and decided to snag it. It is brass and not copper BUT the chandelier also has brass accents so I thought they would both tie in together.  

I have been looking for a bar cart to place in front of this beautiful window but I wanted to wait until the space came together a little more. I think I can make a decision soon but with a mobile Lois, it may have to wait awhile longer.  

We plan to add some pillows to the bench for a more comfortable dining experience. 

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