Thursday, October 20, 2016

Exterior Front Door Before & After

"Peddlers and agents must not ring the bell"! These vintage touches to the house get me every time!!!

The front of our home needed some serious curb appeal and because my Daddio is bomb, he took on this project while he was in town to meet his new Granddaughter. Though I felt bad that he worked his whole trip here I am forever grateful for his contribution to our home. Now we can never move!!

I wanted the front to look bright and inviting and here were my inspirations.

My Dad has been in business for over 30 years! Creative Oak Furniture is located in Orlando, FL. He is serious about his craft and it always shows, even when he isn't being paid. 

After his blood, sweat and sprained ankle (and a little help from us) here are the results.



To think we actually almost got rid of this door! We weren't crazy about the diamond window and looked into other options before starting this project. The door is huge and custom to the house so replacing it would have been so much more expensive, upwards to over a grand. Tj and my Dad had to sand YEARS of paint off the door and put in some serious work to get it primed for paint. We got an insane deal on these lanterns. They were originally over $200/each at Lamps Plus and we got them for $30/each!! I have to say I am not sure about the screen door. I am in the process of painting it white but I don't know if I want it back on. Screen doors are stables for any great porch but I don't think I can get the look I want with it on. Plus I'm not sure I can fit any wreaths on the front door if we hang it. Now I will be on the hunt for some planters, copper house numbers and a new welcome mate!!! 

1 comment:

Giovanni said...

My father believed his son should be able to fix most things around the house, and this post has brought back some wonderful memories for me. I love the way the front door turned out, and your dad did a great job. Custom doors are expensive to replace, but it looks like the effort to sand and paint it was worthwhile.