Monday, December 21, 2015

Noelle Meets The Claus

This weekend we were off to meet the man in red! This was Noelle's first time encountering Santa. We haven't made him a big deal because well, this season isn't about him. Our belief in Santa as children was filled with great memories and we'll make sure she has them too but Jesus is who we want her to know. The adventure included a ride to the north pole while singing Christmas carols, a meeting with the fat guy and cookies and hot chocolate before the ride back down the mountain. It was hilarious and darling and I am so happy we did it. Now if it seems like I am smirking in these pictures, I am not being cynical, I went for a filling a couple hours before the ride and my smile was jacked. The dentist told me it would wear off after an hour and a half, LIES!!! So I asked Santa for my smile back, I am still currently missing a dimple.

 Caught Santa slippin'!

Meeting Santa went a little something like this. 
"When I smiled at him, that didn't mean I wanted to be held by him."
"Seriously, can you get me down?"
"Boy, this is awkward!"
"Did someone say Mickey Mouse?"
"Oh were giving hugs?'
"If I smile can I get down?"

"I wish for you to put me down!" Ok I'm done.

Now everyone smile big for this awkward family photo!


Joanne K. said...

I'm sooo behind on your blog but I'm taking this moment to catch up!! I love how you guys have an actual winter to celebrate this season ! And lol at your missing dimple and cynical

MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

Thanks for catching up JO! It should be a white Christmas here and I cannot wait! Still haven't gotten my dimple back :( hopefully it will come back once all the mild swelling goes down.

Unknown said...

I'm behind as well but at the doctors catching up on my FAVORITE Blogger �� Your smirk is the cutest, I wish I could have just 1 of your dimples you don't need 2 �� Noelle is like I demand you 2 put me down ❤ The family Christmas Pic with the man in red �� xoxo

MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

I love you Erica!!! Thanks for catching up!!!