Sunday, December 6, 2015


You: Ahhhhh, what are we screaming for?
Me: I am now a contributing writer for the Denver Metro Moms Blog!!!!
You: AHHHHHHH!!!! That's so awesome, what is that?

Well, I'm so happy you asked! DMMB is a community of mom bloggers in the Denver metro area. The blog community is apart of a nationwide company called City Mom Blog. There are currently 49 cities involved. City Mom Blog has national sponsors such as Lego, Maxi-Cosi, Tot, Baby Bjorn, and Crocs to name a few. Imagine my surprise when I attended my first event, our favorite things party and I got all of this information for the first time.

Yep, that's about right!!

I will be posting once a month on their site and I will of course give you guys the heads up when it's my turn! You will now see this icon below on my side bar so feel free and give it a click and see what it's all about. 

I can't tell you how excited and blessed I feel to be apart of this. It feels so good to be recognized as someone who can give a different perspective to this thing we call #momlife. When I intentionally applied, I thought, "hey it's worth a shot". Getting the email confirmation welcoming me to the team was a huge boost in my confidence and my writing ability. 

I won my elementary school's essay contest in the 4th grade, it was a very proud moment for me. I had come along way from writing (drawing) short stories about death and murder scenes in the 2nd grade. Seriously they were starting to question what was happening at home, it was involved in just about every story. Blood and guts, the whole nine, maybe I was supposed to be a murder mystery author. I had a very vivid imagination and it came to life on paper, in the form of a murder plot. I will never forget being in 12th grade and the class being asked to write about their most embarrassing moment. I gave it a lot of thought and detailed my most horrifying experience as a freshman in high school. I spent so much time on that paper and thought, though a bit "TMI" for my conservative English teacher, it was still well written and funny as all get out if you asked me. I could hardly keep from cracking up at myself as I wrote it. Well, she didn't feel the same and was mortified by my truthful, transparent and authentic account of the incident. She insisted on me writing something else, although I did exactly what the assignment called for. I thought, she doesn't wanna hear the truth, she can't handle the truth. It really discouraged me from writing. God has given me a renewed spirit about putting my words to this keyboard and I promise to not disappoint.

Ok now let me tell you about the goodies I came home with!! These fresh wave odor removers smell so good and work wonders for my small apartment entry way. Though I had no earthly idea what fresh wave was, it has definitely made it's way into my basket on my next Target shopping trip. 
I hit the jackpot with this Fancy Flamingo banner since someone says I "can't" buy anymore Christmas decorations. Check out the etsy shop.
 You can't quite see the full magnificence that is this scarf I have on but just trust me when I say, it's the best I have ever owned. I wore it to Denver's parade of lights last night and you will see much more of it this winter. 
These cool little clay hand painted bowls were made by our editor and passed out during the party. So crafty that Sara!

Thank you all so much for your love and support of my blog! I hope to take this places it's never been before. God has a plan for me and maybe for this blog, I have no idea what they are but I trust Him and I will be careful to give Him all the glory for all He decides to do with it and me. Join me for the ride! Now if I could only get you guys to comment!

Happy Sunday :)


Yoni LB said...

Congrats mama. This is such great news. So proud of you.

Unknown said...

You are amazing :) I can't wait to keep reading and congrats on such a great accomplishment! Xoxo


MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

Thank you Yoni!!!!!

MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

Thanks Kelly!!!!