Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Elle's 12 Month Update

Thanks to everyone who wished Noelle a Happy Birthday!
15lbs 14oz (4th percentile)
27 1/4 inches (4th percentile)
8 teeth :)
Size 3 diapers/6-9 month clothing

My baby is 1 YEAR OLD!!!! AHHHHH! The realities of having a toddler haven't completely slapped me upside the head yet but I'm sure as she starts to walk, it will. Noelle has been the biggest blessing Tj and I have ever received and being her parents is an honor and
 we have loved all 365 days of it.

So a little bit about our big girl….she said MAMA!!!!!! Nelly loves going through my purse, I'd say it's her favorite thing to do. She is now dancing and I CANNOT get enough. I love it so much and I am trying not to become a dance mom right at this very moment. Spitting is definitely not my favorite habit of hers but she seems to really like doing it. I've caught her standing for a few seconds at a time on her own and carefully placing herself back to the ground. Screaming has become somewhat of an art and she likes to paint her Dad pictures, especially while he's on a conference call. We figured out a (what we think) genius way to get her quiet, we start whispering to her, explaining that we're using our inside voices and she mocks us in the same soft voice. It's so freaking cute and she has no idea how smart she makes us feel when she plays along!! HAHA! Having such an easy going child must mean we are going to catch absolute hell with the next one right?

 Rummaging through the recycling bin is also a favorite pastime.
 Getting her hair done is a whole other subject. 
 Ok, let's not talk about it…moving on.

Favorite Five
12 Months

Parenting Noelle has also been the biggest learning experience of my life. It can seem like SO MUCH work and responsibility at times, and in others, feel like I'm just simply hanging with my bestie. I have never whispered so much in my life and I am on my tippy toes more than a ballerina. I sometimes think about how easy and simple Tj and I's lives were before having her. So free to do what we pleased without thinking twice about it. Going to dinner without being annoyed when we found out they had no high chairs, or feeling flustered when she decides to do weights with her lungs while we're at a nice restaurant. But one thing is for sure, every time I look at her face, there's nothing I'd rather be doing than being her Mom. 

Tj and I are still learning to balance spending time as a family and making time for us. The traveling has definitely made it harder for us but we have decided to look into just recently. I have already made some mistakes as I parent and I know I'm not done making them but she's still alive and healthy which I think counts for something. God has made some exceptional provisions for my family to have this life that not many people can experience. Noelle has lived in 3 different states in her first year of life and although she will not remember this time I will have the pictures and stories to prove it. She will know that it wasn't "luck" that got us here but the complete grace and favor of God. Happy Birthday my love!!!!

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