Monday, February 9, 2015

A Day Fit For The Birthday Girl

She woke up so happy!! I think she knew it was a special day :) Her birthday started off with her favorite thing and least favorite thing, a bath and a hair wash!

We bought at for her birthday outfit, we love supporting same business.

She'll smile for days as long as you give her those keys.

Tried going in for the kiss but she was only interested in my lipstick.

Ok so this Denver city tour was kind of for us but she didn't seem to mind it very much. The bus was super cute and the tour guide was great. We learned so much about Denver and even found some other places to site see while we're here. 

 "It's my birthday and I pout if I want to."

After the tour and a lack luster lunch we headed to our next destination which was all for Nelly! Disney Jr. live with Jake and Sophia the first. Doc McStuffins helped open the show. As soon as Noelle saw all the kids she went from 0 to 100 real quick. Screaming and smiling, Tj had to hold on tight for fear of her jumping out of his arms. We have recently realized she loves being around other kids and is very social, just like her Mama. 

Great 1st birthday with our little sugar!!

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