Friday, January 9, 2015

Christmas Day + More

While in Orlando, we did our best to see as many people as possible and I am so happy we made this dinner date!! Crosby was sooo sweet to Noelle even trying to teach her to walk! SO cute.

Got to spend some quality time with my favorite guys!!!
For Christmas I had two wishes…that my parents get a real tree and that my brother and his family would spend the night before Christmas at my parents with us!! Both of these things happened :)) 

Noelle wasn't very interested in unwrapping her gifts :( I had high hopes but no luck!

My nephews made out like bandits 

 My family!!!
We spent Christmas night at our friend's home and ate up all their food! They threw down!!
 Outfit is Gap/ Headband by SophiaCo on
 My Christmas day look

 We spent that weekend in St. Pete with Tj's family 

There was a UCF bowl game so we got Nelly dressed for the occasion
Headband by JandGHandmade on

Tailgating with Karl and Alicia is always an experience!! Lots of laughs, love them <3

 Mean while Noelle was latched onto Granddad Lynn and would NOT let him move!! 
Hanging with Auntie Nita

When we got back to town we had the opportunity to watch Cart P for a few hours while his parents went out!! <3 him!!!! And when I say "we" I mean ME for the first 40 minutes. No baby was harmed during this time, though Noelle tried roughing Carter up.

Had a couples dinner the next night with our friends Sheontee and Glenn, and Liz and Rodney (not pictured). SO MUCH FUN!! God we have the best friends EVER!

Having our last date of 2014

And I have NO pictures from New Year's -_- Ugh I'm so salty that we didn't do anything, not even take pictures kissing our Nelly on her first New Year's! Oh well, either way it's going to be a great year.  God has shown us so much favor this past year. The birth of our daughter, our adventures traveling the country together, taking Noelle out of the country for the first time, the list goes on and on. His many blessings have come through some difficult times and by complete surprise. I am so excited for the things he will reveal to us this year. We will continue leaning and depending on him for all of our needs and hope to get much closer to him. Our lives are not perfect by any means but with him we hope to live a life of purpose and one that is pleasing to him. Be blessed friends!!!

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