Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Bump #3 Weeks 32 & 33

My body is going to be so ready for labor. That's if frequent Braxton Hicks have anything to do with it. They have been SO FREQUENT the last two weeks. At work, at home, feet up, feet down, hydrated, and especially with a full bladder. I can feel myself slowing down and it seems a little early for that but I do recognize that there is a lot more going on this time around. 

It was a super action packed couple of weeks. We had some of our best friends in town and did ALL the festive things with the kids right before Halloween. And then of course there was Halloween which included lots of running around for last minute costumes, Noelle's school parade and trick or treating. It was exhausting and I could hardly keep up but I did without losing it. 

I was a complete bore and did nothing to dress up, this snapchat filter was about as far as I went. Next year....

Thanks to our friends being in town we got up the ceiling fan in the nursery!

With week 33 came our maternity shoot! I am honestly really excited about having it done this early. I believe I was over 35 weeks with Noelle and Lois when I did my maternity shoots with them. Two and three weeks makes a big difference when you get to the end. I feel like in another 2-3 weeks I am going to be pretty close to being over it and ready to meet this baby. 

But before I can really be ready, I am praying this room is put together a tad bit more. We have never been this behind and I haven't really done anything to prepare for her. At least that's what it feels like. The list is LONG and I fear not getting it all done before she gets here and not just her room. Buying last minute stuff, washing clothes, getting a bigger car, buying and switching around the carseats. It's definitely a little overwhelming to think about. 

Her size is also another factor. At our 32 week ultrasound she was hanging around the 30th and 46th percentile, depending on the growth chart being used. She would have to be below the 10th for use to schedule an induction but at this point, there's no way I would want to go into labor on my own. We need to have plans in place. My mom is coming for 2 weeks to help us and I want her to be here with the girls when we go into the hospital. With 2 other children and no family in town, a spontaneous labor seems stressful. It's funny because all before now, it was all I ever wanted. For my water to break or contractions start normally but after 2 kids and 2 inductions already, I'm singing a new tune. Bring on the planned induction! We have another growth ultrasound at 36 weeks so we should know more then. That's only 2 weeks to possibly knowing what our fate it as far as an approximate birthday!

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