Sunday, September 2, 2018

Bump #3 Week 22 & 23

So I haven't talked much about weight gain this pregnancy but I think we may hit a record number for baby #3. My starting weight was 124 and as of week 22 I was 9 lbs up to 133. I gained a total of 14 with Noelle and about 18 with Lois. We shall see....

Heart burn made an abrupt appearance in week 23 and had me scrabbling for water like a horse to a watering hole. It was horrible with Noelle and I had to sleep upright for weeks. Hopefully this was not a sign of things to come. 

The girls and I took some pictures with the super talented Kathleen Peachey this past week and I am so excited to see them!! It was just us so it was something like the Mommy & Me shoot I did with Noelle before Lo was born, so special <3

Lo and I have been able to spend a lot of time together (admittedly at Target) since Noelle has started school. I definitely feel blessed to soak up as much of me and her as possible before things change. Noelle being in school full time will allow me to do a lot more around the house to get ready for baby, or at least a quiet hour to two to check something off my list during Lo's nap time. I've realized I've been pretty horrible at taking pictures of my belly this time around other than the bi-weekly pics. I do hereby promise to do better. 

Nursery updates are non-exsistant at this point. Plans are being made but in the next bump update, I hope to have some real progress made or at least the couch moved out of room!

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