Thursday, May 4, 2017

No Poop For The Weary


  Help me please! Help me, help me PLEASE! Ya'll I'm TIRED!! So tired of cleaning up my three year old's poop. Noelle has flat out refused to poop in the potty after every attempt by her parents. With every purchase of pull ups, I pray they are our last. We've tried talking, rewards, punishment, bribes, leaving her naked around the house and NOTHING. We are currently holding Disney World over her head. In which she repeats every day that if she goes in the potty she gets to go. She's so sweet and promises every time that the next time will be in the toilet. Bless her heart, but it's so frustrating and I'm just at my wit's end. There's nothing left to do but wait until she's ready I suppose?! Noelle does things on her own time. She did not walk until 16 months, she just wasn't into it. There was a period where we were so focused on getting her on the toilet when we knew she was close and she would just hold it. She would end up getting constipated and have a horrible time trying to go so we just said forget it. It was not worth the pain she was going through. Our Pediatrician recommended giving her Miralax daily to make it easier so she wouldn't equate pooping with pain. Once it was easy for her to go, we tried with still no success. She would wait until nap time or bed time to go. I am so lost,  so this is my SOS!!! Leave me comments with your suggestions and experiences. We'll try anything. 


The Professional Pooper Scooper 

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