Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Talk Nelly To Me

There's a star in our midst and she's blissfully unaware of all the attention she has been receiving. Though yes, she will absolutely tell you "I'm famous" if you start to discuss the video. She knows she was on the Ellen show and will also mention that as well. This video has gone beyond what we could ever imagined it would. But in our house, we are still dealing with a newly turned three year old with lots to say and opinions to give.

We had family in town during spring break and after her father settled our company in, he left the room. Noelle was left with her Aunt and Noelle decided to tell you Aunt about HER brother. 
Nelly: "Let me tell you about my dad....he's a good guy. His name is Tj and he's a good guy."
Auntie Londa: "What about your mom?"
Nelly: " She's a good mommy. But my dad, he's a good guy!"

Noelle spent time with her Aunt and cousins at the museum and it was time for lunch. 
Auntie Londa: "Noelle, do you want some nuggets?"
Nelly: "Denver Nuggets?"
Auntie Londa: "Chicken nuggets?"
Nelly: "No, Denver Nuggets!"

We have now introduced the concept of strangers to this friendly girl and she's not having it. When the pizza man arrives with our order.
Me: "Noelle, come over here and wait next to me."
After the pizza man leaves. 
Me: "Noelle, you can't go to the door by yourself. He is a stranger."
Nelly: "He's not a stranger, he's the pizza man!"
Tj: "What's his name?"
Nelly: "Hmm, I don't know."
Tj: "That means he's a stranger. We don't know him."
Nelly: "But he's not a stranger, he's the pizza man!! "

It's time for bed and Noelle is not ready.
Me: "Noelle it's time for you to go with your Dad and get in bed."
Nelly: "I'm not ready yet, can I just relax in your room for a minute? I just need to relax for a minute."

I encourage all parents to keep a log of the stuff your children come up with. This time in their lives, although it can be pretty tough, it is also magic. They are capable of more than we know and Tj and I are always shocked and tickled at the way her brain processes things. Though she does get out of pocket, we correct her and laugh behind her back!

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