Friday, March 17, 2017

Blog Content VS. Real Life

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Moment of truth,  it's not what it looks like, I struggle with this blog sometimes.
I ABSOLUTELY love doing it and want to continue for as long as I possible but breaks are imperative for my home life. I have some goals for this year involving the blog, including some really great updates and of course expansion of my audience. But to gain a bigger audience, I need lots of content. I started blogging as just a way to document my pregnancy with Noelle and it turned into this beautiful outlet to share my life with family, friends and perfect strangers. A way to feel creative, flex my writing skills and a plain outlet that was my own. But I must live my life to write about it. I struggle with posting things that you guys find interesting or relevant. When you see no posts for a week or even two, sometimes it's because I feel like you wouldn't care what I'm doing, I don't want to take one second away from my girls or because I am simply uninspired.

I often wonder if I'm spending too much time building this brand. Did I do flash cards with Noelle today, did Lois do enough tummy time, were they stimulated enough? Did I make an effort to get them outside when the weather was beautiful? These are constant questions that I struggle with. I went part time at work to spend more time with the girls, not blog more. But I enjoy this.
 I need it, I crave it. I look forward to every stroke of this keyboard but am I doing enough here? Am I challenging myself to write about things are not just surface topics? Yes makeup and date nights and monthly updates are fun but there is SO much more that runs through my head on a daily basis. Like, am I accurately displaying Christ's love in my life? So in order to break away from the easy surface subjects, I will commit to writing things that help inspire other moms. Subjects that show you what's really going down behind these funny moments with my Nelly. About how I struggle between discipline and not crushing her independent thinking and amazing spark.

So here's to being a mom with real life happening. I hope you gain more than inspiration for your home projects here and more than a laugh from my threenager! 

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