Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sister Sister

This relationship is new to me. This love that they share I have never experienced. And I'm sure I've told you all I was sure I never wanted it as a child or an adult, but being the mother of two girls has made me wonder what it would have been like to have a sister.
My role will be to foster and grow this friendship/sisterhood as much as I can before they leave my roof. To teach them to love and trust each other like no other. That no matter what disagreements they have or outfits they wear without asking, this bond is to never be broken. I want to remember all the sweet and not so sweet phases of their relationship. I will start posting blogs under this title so I always have something to show them as they grow. Lo is currently 4 months old and Noelle just turned three.

We were not at all surprised that Lo's first giggles were brought to us by Noelle. She lights up every time Noelle is near. Smiling with her entire body. She is now grabbing at Noelle at every close encounter. Which of course is resulting in face scratching and grabbing, hair pulling and of course Noelle telling us what Lois did. We are CONSTANTLY reminding Noelle that Lois is not good at controlling her arms yet so none of this is meant to hurt her. At which Noelle says "she did it on accident, right mama?" but not before she tells Lo "Don't do that Wo Wo. No, no, no". I do although have to watch Noelle pretty closely because every once in awhile she is caught trying to "get her back". 

Not sure if you guys have experienced this with your kids but Noelle will not keep her finger out of Lo's mouth and it's driving me bonkers. I have no idea the fascination but it's gross and I want her to stop. I know, good luck with that! Noelle insists on hugging and kissing Lo before bed and as soon as she wakes up and it's the sweetest thing ever. 

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