Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas 2016

A first Christmas for Lo and a super exciting one for Noelle!! This Christmas was so special with our family in town two years in a row and the first in our new home. Noelle and I made cookies for Santa  and she was so excited that they were Trolls! Tj and I were super unprepared this year, going shopping just days before Christmas. But thankfully we found everything we wanted to get for Noelle. It was so much fun shopping for her. We were both giddy thinking about what her reaction might be. I wrapped all the gifts Christmas Eve and we got in all under the tree just before midnight. 

Christmas Eve was filled with the smell of cookies and a backyard fire. 

I loved my in-laws reaction to their gift!

Noelle was on cloud 9, asking to open everything once she got it out of the wrapping paper. 

We were gifted with a concert from Noelle and first giggles from Lois!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and CHEERS to the New Year!!!

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