Friday, May 6, 2016

Baby Hazley #2

Here we go again!! I am so happy to be carrying another blessing but I am finding that things are very different this time around, not with the pregnancy (which seems very much the same thus far) but the effort in which I put forth. Don't get me wrong, I am so freaking excited to have another bundle of joy in our arms and giving Noelle a sibling makes me so elated I could cry. I mean it was planned, but the pregnancy is just ya know, I'm pregnant. I guess because it is no longer a novelty I don't have the same kind of feeling, like when you get a new puppy. You're all excited at first until it poops on your couch for the first time. Feeling the baby move still amazes me and I am so excited to find out what we're having. I'm just not sending Tj weekly updates about what is happening in this week of pregnancy. I'm not reading every article I can find on pregnancy, Tj and I haven't discussed ONE name!! Moms of more than one feel me right? For instance the way I documented my bump last time was like this….

This time, ain't nobody got time to do hair and makeup every week just for a photo, though my eyebrow routine is much better this time around. I just don't have the energy to do that. So, it's gonna be this!

These super cute bump stickers are by Lucy Darling.

Just for fun I thought I'd give you guys a list of things I WON'T be doing this time around. 

1) Posting on social media every time the baby moves. 
Not that I did this before but acting like I am the only person who knows what it's like to be pregnant won't happen. 

2) My breast milk achievements. 
 I don't think I did this the last time either, maybe I should label this "things that annoy me". I was so incredibly blessed to breastfeed and pump for Noelle for as long as I wanted to but I think boasting about breastfeeding can sometimes be very insensitive to other mothers who didn't have the same experience, plus no one really cares.

3) Hold my belly in EVERY photo. 
I am totally guilty of this and this time around, I think people can see a bump and I don't have to hold it. 

4) Talk about my pregnancy ALL THE TIME. 
The first time around I was really excited and I talked about how I was feeling, in detail, to anyone who would listen. Now I'd say if I do say anything, it's more like complaints about how hungry I am!

We are now half way there!!!!! I can't believe we're already here. I definitely plan on doing more frequent updates to keep you guys posted on Baby Hazley #2 and I'll throw in some nail designs along the way! We're doing another gender reveal in just about 2 weeks! We have no idea and I can't wait to see all our friends and families reactions back home as we find out pink or blue.

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