Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Elle's 17 & 18 Month Updates

Didn't your Mother ever tell you to be nice to the people who serve you food? Why yes, yes she did! Noelle will get this lesson sooner that later. I have no idea why my child dislikes wait staff so much but she is not into them. I try so hard not to laugh because we know as soon as they come over to greet us, she's going give them a hefty dose of "you can't sit with us" vibes.

We've got ourselves a phone talking, stroller climbing, pretend snapping, dancer on our hands and I can't get over her blooming personality. This is such a fun age!! Along with all this fun definitely comes its frustrations. I never imagined this much discipline would play a roll at this stage. It may sound silly but for whatever reason, I had this idea I wouldn't have to tell her "no" until two years old. Well I could've been more wrong. For awhile there she was hitting herself in the face when she said "no", no clue where she got that from because no one hits her in the face but to date has stopped the violence (towards herself anyway). She tests her limits often, and the test usually comes in the form of a raised hand to me. Listen, we don't play those games and she's starting to get the rules. When I tell her she is not allowed to hit Mama, she will wave her hand in front of my face out of frustration. It is pretty hilarious! It bothers me when adults tell me she is "ok" after I correct her for trying to hit them. No, it's not ok for my child to hit you. She needs to be corrected and failing to do so will have her hitting you when she's five, which won't be so cute then!

She names every part of her face out loud and I will never get sick of hearing "eye-bra" (eyebrow)! Her favorite number is nine and we know this because when we count to ten, after eight she'll scream out NINE!!! Walking backwards is now a pass time and singing along to her favorite songs is always a treat, her current favorite being "if you're happy and you know it", though "itsy bitsy spider" will forever remain her favorite jam. She is FINALLY beginning to fit into toddler sizes which means I can buy her a new wardrobe (and not so much PINK)! It has taken forever to reach the 12 to 18 month clothing and with fall right around the corner, I have already begun gathering the cutest of outfits. Hoping to do a fall shoot soon so stay tuned :)
We have also reached the stage of repeating everything she hears so Mom and Dad are on their best behavior in the vocabulary department. Eating with a spoon is incredibly messy and drinking from a cup comes with lots of clean ups but that's what big girls do so we deal with the mess.
Her imagination never ceases to amaze me, pretending to talk on the phone, "heh-whoa" and drinking tea from her tea set.
She loves dogs though she is still very cautious of them and grocery shopping is definitely one of our favorite times together. I am in awe of watching this girl grow up!

If you know me, you're not surprised by this photo! You and your "eye-bras" are perfect Nelly, no makeup needed.

Favorite Five

17 & 18 Months

Topeak Baby Seat
We have loved riding bikes with Noelle, she per usual has no particular facial expression but flips out when the ride is over. She seems to love the seat!!
Eating at restaurants has become 10 times more entertaining for her now that she is able to grab some crayons and go to work.
Laugh & Learn Love to Play Sis' Puppy
We've had this puppy for a little while now but now she is ALL about singing the songs. She hums the parts she doesn't know and sings aloud to the words she does, kind of like my best friend!
Stuffed Yellow and Green Lion
There is nothing particularly special about this stuffed Lion, other than the fact that it was given to Noelle by my Mom (I have no clue where it was purchased). All of a sudden Noelle is a blanket toting, favorite stuffed animal has to come with me everywhere kind of girl and this Lion is her favorite pal.
Minnie Mouse A Magical Story Book
Along with many other books Noelle has decided this one is worth reading a thousand times over.


Joanne K. said...

Ahhhh my favorite part of your blogs!! Fave Fives!! You can already see how much she's growing with your fave fives alone!! I definitely want to try out Bike rides !! Ahh Noelle! Don't grow too fast! Yet another great read Leah! Can't wait to see some of her fall outfits!!

MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

Thanks Jo!! Can't wait to buy stuff only I want her to wear! LOL