Thursday, December 26, 2013

32 Weeks

DO YOU KNOW what it took to get this picture?!!! NEVER again! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Best moment this week: Hanging out with my family! I am so blessed to have them!!
Maternity Clothes: Bought some nursing jackets, my scrubs are holding on for dear life, many of them have already bit the dust
Gimme Gimme: Milk
Total weight gain: 10lbs- I was asked if I was eating at my doctors office, LOL! If they only knew! 
Sleep: Had a HORRIBLE night this week! Toss and turned all night because she is now big enough to keep me up if she's up. I was starvin' like Marvin and having really uncomfortable contractions. I had to actually get up out of my bed and go down what felt like 10 flights of stairs to get a snack and a bottle of water to suck down in hopes to stop the contractions. I'm not gonna lie, I cried, not about the contractions but having to get up. I was so frustrated that I had to chew, I just wanted to sleep.
What I miss: ADULT Eggnog, it was being passed around my parents house and raved about just to torture me. Not really but it felt that way!
My belly: Tight
Belly button: Lord God please allow this thing to return to its original state. Amen.
This weeks mood: I'm not looking forward to labor by any means but I am intrigued!
Looking forward to: Our bonus ultrasound on Friday at the doctors office!! We decided against the 3D US, Tj and I were surprisingly on the same page. I thought we would, just because we could but when he mentioned he wanted to be surprised by what she looked like and her features, I completely agreed. Can't wait to see her face (hopefully God doesn't bless her with her father's ears)!
Weekly wisdom: I love to hear people tell me that I'm going to have a terror of a child, they must not know me very well!
Gender: Diamonds are a GIRL's best friend
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks- OMG! This was the week of the most uncomfortable contractions I've experienced yet. It is a crazy feeling. I know these are nothing compared to the real thing but I can see why breathing is so important, they can literally take your breath away. And the gas....umm does that come with? HA! My poor husband! 
Movement: I can feel EVERYTHING, I could probably feel when she yawns.
Nursery Update: Finished my favorite part of the room, I'll wait to share it when I put up all the details in a few weeks :))

Elle is the size of a Jicama??!! LOL
Tipping the scales at an estimated 3.75 lbs (according to my apps)

These are my reject nails for the name announcement but I figured I'd post them anyway

Christmas fun!!
My husband's work party

Volunteered at my nephews school Christmas party

My in-laws from Houston came in!! The girls made ornaments for our tree.

Of course I wanted to do their nails!!

 Moss Park light show

Christmas Eve at my Parents
Our nieces and nephews, just missing a few

Christmas Day spent with my patients and awesome coworkers!

32 week photo outtakes.....I can't....
He insisted on wearing his nephew's wrist bands, I tried covering them up

I'm so looking forward to our maternity shoot.....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!! Beautiful family as well. I'm 18 weeks this will be my 3rd kid my oldest is 14 and my youngest is 5 both boys, so the hubby and I hope we're having a girl. Either way we're blessed!! Anyhow I enjoy reading you post and your nails are too cute. Stay blessed.

MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

Thank you for reading!! And God bless you as well :))