Wednesday, December 11, 2013

30 Weeks

The BIG 3-0

Best moment this week: Spending the weekend with my friend Rebba in Pittsburgh!
Maternity Clothes: I am seriously considering buying some articles of maternity jeans are getting really uncomfortable.
Gimme Gimme: Lemonade
Total weight gain: Still just 10lbs, surprised, I thought for sure Thanksgiving would have topped me off to at least a dozen
Sleep: Still really good, I'm going to be so sad to type anything different 
What I miss: I have a feeling that spiked egg nog will be the answer to this question for at least the next few weeks
My belly: I can feel it in my lap when I lean forward
Belly button: I don't think a corset could keep this puppy from poking out
This weeks mood: Feeling like the pressure is on...not quite literally but feeling like there's a lot of things to do to get my house ready for the baby. 
Looking forward to: A RELAXER!! Ugh...hints why the head band. AND my friend and hairstylist is back from maternity leave, can't wait to see you and Ezra LIZ xoxo...OH and my work Christmas party!!
Weekly wisdom: Stretching really helps with back pain
Gender: If I were a boy?!! People are making me nervous that I've only seen her lady parts once!
Symptoms: My cankles have arrived, funny thing is I never ordered them. And oh pain in the ___! Bad Braxton Hicks this weekend, had to drink lots of water and lay my butt down!
Movement: I can feel her on both sides of my belly at one time!
Nursery Update: Gonna share some pics in a separate post!!!!

Baby girl is the size of a cucumber. Lots of eye development this week.

This view of Pittsburgh was amazing!

I hate the Steelers!

My handsome Dolphins fan at the game.

Me and Baby Hazley trying to stay warm.

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