Thursday, July 19, 2018

Bump #3 Week 14 & 15

Bump updates here we come!! 
I decided that I wanted to go bare belly this time around since this is all she wrote. I've always wanted to do it but was always worried about what my belly would look like towards the end. Probably should've done this the first time around. 

Just like the last two times, I have had to deal with lots of horrible stomach aches. It started around week 8 and was full force from there. Almost daily my stomach would feel so ill and sour. Ugh!! It was so hard to eat when my stomach got to this point. It slowed down a bit after week 15 and I only experience it every couple of days. Now that we're in the second trimester, I'm hoping this will come to a complete halt. Week 14 also brought back the boobs!!

Week 15 was a little busy so we don't have a picture but it was definitely better as far as my stomach goes! It was also the first time I felt flutters which I had been so patiently waiting on. 

Craving lemonade like no other and although I try and drink all the water, I only want sweet tea and lemonade. 

Since finding out about having another girl all I can think about is the nursery and dressing these girls in coordinating outfits! I mean, they'll be lots of time to stress about the logistics of traveling with three children right, so the fun stuff for now. 

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