Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas Shoot 2017

So excited to share our 3rd annual Christmas shoot! I'm not sure if we'll do this every single year but I love looking back at our last two shoots and seeing how our family has grown from three to four and how big the girls are getting. This year we took our photos inside the beautiful Union Station. It was crowded but we made it work! These girls can't stay still to save their own lives so it was hard getting a photo with everyone looking. Everyone smiling wasn't much of an option as Lois was not in the mood for smiles and giggles. She gave a couple smirks but that's about it. Our beautiful friend Jessica of Sarah Jessica Photography shot us. 

Noelle as always was ready and a hamming it up for the camera. 

And how cute are these emerald green velvet bows? Our thanks to Sophia And Company for helping my girls look extra cute for our pics. 

Lots of sister love going on right here!

This year on Christmas Eve Eve we mark 9 years since our engagement!!

I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that Noelle will be four next month. I just can't come to grips with it. Four just seems so old!! She is smart, witty and her problem solving skills are impressive. She is big into My Little Pony and Shimmer & Shine this year. It's our first year doing Elf On The Shelf and she is not always super pumped about it. During Crispy's first week in the house, Noelle asked Tj if I was moving her. Some mornings Noelle refuses to use the bathroom until she finds her, other mornings she wouldn't even acknowledge her. As time passes she is getting use to finding her every morning. She recently told me that she would be sad when when she left. She has asked a couple of times if Crispy told Santa about her and Lois fighting. We've done our best to incorporate the story of Christmas with Crispy educating Noelle on the reason for the season and the birth of Jesus. Meanwhile I'm over here just merely trying to get a reaction out of Noelle. She is really making me work for it!!

Lois will be celebrating her second Christmas and I can't wait for her to open her gifts. I have a feeling she won't care much for them though. She is not into really any TV (except the occasional commercial with music) or our phones. She is easy to please but doesn't care about stuff most children her age care about. Shopping for her this year was a little tricky. She bores easily and really wants whatever her sister has. I think she gets pleasure out of taking things from Noelle. I just hope we can get some smiles on camera Christmas morning. 

Merry Christmas! I hope with all of your prep this week, you enjoy the things people who matter most!

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