So yes, this post about a month late (insert eye roll here), but in my defense the weather in Denver has turned cold and now I'm reminiscing. Does that pass for an actual excuse?! Maybe not but I am now feeling motivated to post about this sweet beach vacay we had at the end of September. Tj and I were babies the last time we were here. We lived in California childless and came over just for the day. We needed a little getaway and Tj suggested Catalina. I was all about it and this time we'd actually be able to stay a couple nights. The journey to get there was not the easiest but not as bad as it could have been.
We flew to LA and spent the day and the next morning we drove to Long Beach where we took an hour long boat ride to the island. Hauling the carseats and luggage the entire trip had to be the most challenging part. Traveling with the kids is a whole adventure in itself.