Monday, July 31, 2017

Lo's 10 Month Update

This month I was not on my game!!! Almost three weeks late on this month's update and lacking pictures. There's been so many new things happen since Lois has turned 10 months but I'll tell you guys about those in a short two weeks. Lois took TWO steps on the 4th of July and has proven to have quite the temper!! Attempting to bite gum her sister anytime she has something taken from her. Fortunately for Noelle, she still has no teeth. She is determined to eat everything she sees us eat and is just about over this baby food mess. 

She is still a lap baby at her core and is completely content being held. She will drop a crocodile tear faster than you can say or spell it if her feet touch the ground. As much as she loves being held, she does love playing on the floor with her sister. This only happens if she's home with Mom or Dad, and we're in the same room, two feet away. Lois was completely unafraid of the fireworks on the 4th and even bounced up and down in excitement. She still thinks baths are a slow death and despises having her hair touched. She is a the best scavenger there was, picking up the most microscopic things off the floor and putting them straight to her mouth. Clean floors at the Hazley home are a MUST! I bet she's the best paper eater on the block!

Although Lo still has no teeth, our favorites this month are the Wacky Teether Ring from Nuby and the Fun Ice Hand Chewy from Munchkin. 


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