Monday, August 18, 2014

Play Dates, Shots and FOOD!!!!!

Noelle went on her first play date recently with some of my new coworkers' babies!

 We went to Mission Bay

 Genevieve and Micah were so cute!!!

Hit me with your best shot!
After shots Noelle was in a good mood (she's a G) so we headed to Old Town for lunch.

Beautiful Church
 Interesting Name

6 months means FOOD!!!
There are recommendations from many health organizations to wait to introduce solids until babies are six months. My Pediatrician suggested we wait, so we did. Of course every parent is going to make this decision based on their baby but I did some research on my own and agreed that it wouldn't hurt to just exclusively breastfeed for another 2 months. I won't bore you with all the research because as many articles I found to support waiting 6 months, I found just as many that suggested starting at 4 months was more of an advantage. So who the heck knows, do what's best for your baby and I'm sure they will be just fine. Some of these same organizations recommend breastfeeding for the first 2 years and beyond, which I can tell you right now is not going down. I plan to breastfeed for at least 12 months but I can't promise anything after 1/31/2015 (just saying).

Up first: Avocado
Then a couple days later, Blueberries
I read that you should wait almost a week in between introducing each food but if both parents have no history of food allergies it is not as important to wait so long.
Then B-A-N-A-N-A-S!! *So excited to see Gwen Stefani on The Voice…LOVE HER!*

As you can see Noelle is not eating from a spoon. We decided to use the Baby Led Weaning method. Now I am not as "granola" as they come but I will do things out of the box if they make sense to me. I had a coworker who first introduced me to this method. At first I was sure I wouldn't use it because I had planned on making my own baby food and I was pretty excited about it. But as the time got closer I wanted to look into it and what I found, I agreed with. I spoke with Michelle again and she told me how great her children had done with it and that it was safe as long as you keep a close eye on them. Noelle has done fine with it, with the occasional gag. If you wanna know more about it I linked an article that I really liked at the beginning of the paragraph. The blueberries were too small to give to Noelle so we put them in these fresh food feeder. I'm excited for her to explore food independently and become the savage that I know she can be! 

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