Monday, July 13, 2015

Elle's 15 & 16 Month Update

We are a couple weeks behind but here it is! "No" and "stop", these are now her favorite words. Where did we go wrong? Lol! Noelle is a force to be reckoned with. After bath time is the WORST with her running away from us to avoid that dreaded baby massage that she gets every night. Poor her! The first picture is exactly the way she likes her room, with the floor full of books. Reading has quickly become one of her favorite things to do. She brings us books constantly, with usually the same 3 to 4 in rotation. As soon as the books get put away she's back to spilling them back on the floor. 

I'm not quite sure we'll be bonding over getting our hair done together anytime soon. We have to go from this to that about every other week and the longer I can keep her braids in the better for the both of us. I get asked all the time how I'm able to get it done, I've realized nap time is the best time but the answer is lots of patience and distraction.

Noelle now has a babysitter a couple days a week and ventures out frequently with trips to the library and surrounding parks in Denver!

It has shocked Tj and I how much she knows the purposes for certain objects. She will come to us with things she somehow got her hands on and perform what she has seen. I got a kick out of this one. 

She loves ketchup and eating in general. She is not picky, though the first bite she may spit out only to take another bite of the same exact thing. Just taste testing I guess. She also loves to color so eating out is much more fun. We were officially off the bottle by 15 months and the transition wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. She does great with independent cups with the straw or a traditional sippy cup.

 She has a flare for the dramatics. She can switch up her facial expressions in a hot second if she doesn't get what she wants. It's so hard not laughing at her because she is a mess. Especially when it comes to strangers. She will sometimes wave and smile but most times as soon as someone speaks to her she says "no" with a hand motion to go. We have several talks a day about being nice.

She still self soothes by sucking on her tongue and pinching her neck or ear. If she likes and trusts you, she will also pinch your neck if you are holding her. 

The biggest news these last 2 months is that we officially have a WALKER!!!

We were definitely more eager than she was to start walking but she has really been doing well. She is very cautious and has been described as having a "little old lady" type of walk. She takes her time and seems to think about how every step could affect her. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a little concerned there for a minute, but she had been meeting all of her other milestones so I just had to have a seat and realize she would do it when she was ready. 

Favorite Five
15 & 16 Months

Noelle loves playing with this elephant! Though the balls are often all over the apartment, it provides great entertainment. 
I believe the recommended age for this was up to 12 months but she has a friend who owns one and she loved it. So we purchased one and she loves sitting in it and pressing all the buttons. 
I wish the string for the pup was a tad longer but each letter has a word and sound to match. 
Great for shielding the sun! Our favorite this summer. What are some of your favorite products for the summer? And what sunscreens for your babes do you use?