Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lo's 12 Month Update

These photos were incredibly difficult to get, this girl is super busy!! Our sweet N' Lo, here we are, a year later and I am so incredibly grateful for your smile. It SHINES brighter than the stars. You are as sweet as pie and your cuddles are the absolute best. This year has been a challenge but I wouldn't have you any other way. I am still so impressed with you walking so early when you insist Mom hold you everywhere. You aren't a big talker but you've got your sister for that. I will never regret not holding you enough!!!

This sister licking girl is such a lover! She will go to anyone any female who will have her. She jumps out of my arms to greet the people she loves. If you say hi, she will reach out to give you some love. Her favorite pass time is blowing spit bubbles. I finally got a clue and tried getting in the bath tub with her and now she loves the bath, go figure! She claps, dances and walks like a champ. Her vocabulary includes "mom", "dad" and "hi". My favorite sound is her giving kisses which she loves to do. She eats food off the floor and will dare you to take it from her. If her sister doesn't finish her food, she'll go for it #Savagelife.

We are currently weaning from breastfeeding and it is going as I expected. Slow and with a little resistance but it could be so much worse. Lois definitely has us questioning whether or not we can handle adding to our family. She is a LOT of work!! I find myself getting frustrated at how little I can do around the house because she requires my FULL attention almost 100% of the time (minus bedtime) but I am reminded that this is just a phase and the days are long but the years are short. Really this is my mantra!!! I will miss this sweet little thing wanting to be held by me. We're unsure of when she'll move on from this current phase but we know that we are so blessed to watch her grow.


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