Saturday, June 17, 2017

Noelle reaps her poop reward| Disney World

So I know it's been awhile since you've heard from me. I took a much needed break from blogging to recenter my priorities. It was becoming too much of a distraction from my family. I was feeling uninspired and I am just not one to fake it. I thought a lot about stopping all together but I really love this space and I am not ready to let it go. Instead, I will take breaks when I need them and come back to you refreshed and ready to share. I've realized that to make this space feel authentic and real I need to do things on my time and make sure it's not feeling like another job because that just doesn't jive with me. I can't worry about Instagram followers and stats, because I honestly don't care. I want to just do me, no matter what the popular thing is.  

I started this blog in order to have a journal for my first pregnancy and it has turned into so much more but I think my ideas about what I wanted it to become just don't line up with my priorities. I wanted so badly to represent black moms who blog but I was having a hard time finding balance. This blogging industry is not as inclusive as I would like it to be and I wanted to make a caramel colored splash. My goals may have changed some but I'm still here and while I'm feeling inspired I am going to try and catch you up on all of the Hazley happenings recently including our recent trip to Belize. But I'm starting with Noelle's trip to Disney World to celebrate her successes of pooping in the potty!

I wish I could tell you that the promising of ANYTHING worked for her but it didn't. With the help of Miralax, new underwear and consistency, our girl finally did her thing!!

Minnie Overalls on sale. 


Our friends Joanne, Tony, Carise and Tony Jr. met us at the park!! We love going with them because they are pros at navigating the park. These girls have done this a time or two and we love seeing them together. We miss them so much but absolutely love seeing them hang out at the most magical place on earth. 


Her love for Rapunzel is REAL!! She talked her ear off and soaked in as much of her as possible. Thank God there were no kids behind us because I know she went over the allotted time.

These girls were troopers. No whining about the heat although I'm sure I did enough for the both of them. 

This place is magic! If we still lived in Orlando, I have no doubt we'd be season ticket holders. We are so thankful for friends that allow us to experience it without spending a dime!! Next time we plan on attending a character breakfast and hitting up the new Frozen ride. Disney, I love you!!

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