Friday, January 29, 2016

Elle's Updates: Look who's TWO!!!

How is my sweet "Suga Mama" two years old in just two days?! On Sunday the 31st we will celebrate two years of this sweet little life! I skipped the last couple of months in updates to give you one big post on how our Nelly has been doing. The end of an era is here, I promise I won't say she's 24 months, she'll just be 2. I will still post her favorite things from time to time and what she's up to, (probably the interesting things coming out of her mouth) but there will no longer be monthly updates.

To say she is talking is an understatement, she won't stop!! She has several phrases under her belt, one of my favorites was "you wash your hair?". Her songs and dance moves are daily fixtures in our home and she now requests the songs by name, but not by official name. For instance, the wheels on the bus is "round and round". Noelle is super silly and loves clowning around. She loves helping with laundry and very often tells me she "wash clothes" with her Dad when I come home from work. I could not be prouder that Noelle knows the entire alphabet! We've been working on it for a while and she has for months been practicing pointing the letters out and her numbers.

Noelle loves bath time and hates when it's time for me to actually bathe her. Books are still one of her favorite things and she is constantly asking to be read to. Eating is definitely more challenging as she has become much more picky. She could eat french fries for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast is definitely her favorite meal, she wakes up with pancakes, bacon and sausage on the brain (mama's girl).

Potty training has been a complete bust so far. She wants nothing to do with it. So we are hoping and praying for a day soon when she will express her desire to sit her tush on the pink plastic throne of hers. 

Favorite Five
21-24 Months

Sensing a theme here? Yes, we are Disney obsessed over here! If it's Minnie or Mickey you better believe she's gotta have it. All of these were actually Christmas gifts and she hasn't put them down since. We often leave the house with one or two of the plush disney characters. 

Disney Mickey Mouse Plush Beanz
Minnie Bow-Tique Shopping Cart
Minnie Mouse 6 Volt Quad Powered Ride On
Disney Minnie Pretty Piano Play Along
Disney Minnie Mouse Headphones

Our Birthday plans consist of visiting the most magical place on earth, DISNEY WORLD!!! Stay tuned for all the birthday festivities with our sweet little lady! Follow us on snapchat for lots of fun videos on the big day: mrshazleybaby


Unknown said...

She's adorable and will love Disney!

MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

Thanks Kayla! She had a really good time!