Thursday, September 17, 2015

Date Nights

Our last couple of date nights have been really fun! A couple weeks ago we had a double date with another couple that live in our building. They are really friendly and hanging out with them is always a pleasure.
Their little boy is so cute and he loves Noelle, he calls her his little sister! We shared their babysitter for the night and can we talk about the views from their pent house? Nuts!

We went for drinks and then dinner. The place we had drinks was so cool. We have never been to a "speak easy" and it was quite an experience. The bartender's were dressed as though they were from the prohibition and as you can see from the sign, there were rules. The room was dark but I could see the bartender's chipping away at a block of ice with their ice picks behind the bar. Our drinks were made special just from telling him what we liked. I was impressed!

The restaurant was so cute and so was the food and by cute, I mean small.

 Who in the world do they think they are feeding? A baby bird?

On Labor Day almost immediately after hoping off the plane from Arkansas, it was time to get ready for our date with funny man Kevin Hart. We were so pumped to see him! We are HUGE fans of his movie's, stand up and TV show. 

 Don't mind our photo bomber!

 The show was hilarious!

What I wore!

Short button down chambray from Forever 21 which I can't find on their site. My acid wash ankle jeans and this clustered faux gem statement necklace that I love are also from Forever.

I am definitely not a master at highlighting and contouring but it is fun to practice.

I finished the look off with bright pink lips. Exact color here. I tried stretching out the life of my lashes, well note to self, DON'T! They were coming off by the time we made it downstairs, I had to rush back up to the apartment to get my mascara. Tj asked me why I couldn't just take them off? Chile!!!!!! One more day until Friday my good people!


Kayla said...

Beautiful and what a great date night idea. Loved your makeup. Such a cute family and thanks for sharing your memories with us!

MrsHazleyAndABaby said...

Thank you so much Kayla!! That is very sweet of you :)