Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Flying The Friendly Skies With Your Toddler

We were recently on a flight that housed a crying baby for our entire flight, the only thing I could think was that poor mom. She was probably over there sweating golf balls down her brow, doing everything she could to calm her baby. Well, he wasn't going for it and the turn up was real. What made it even worse was that it was a red eye and most people on the flight were trying to sleep, including us. I'll share some of our experiences traveling with Noelle and how you may be able to avoid a "turn up" (a melt down) from your baby or toddler, sorry no money back guarantee.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blog Makeover

You fancy huh? Why yes, yes I am! Thanks to MrsHazleyandABaby is stepping it up a notch with a new look and feel. I am so excited to continue to share my families adventures with you along with some new posts to switch things up, including date night outfits, makeup fun and tips for traveling with your baby.

I have also made it easier for leaving comments on the blog. Please feel free to connect with my Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram accounts which are accessible through the icons in the top right corner of the site! 

Is there anything you'd really like to see posted on the blog? Let me know in the comments.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

29 In Chicago Part 2

That night we headed to dinner on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building. 

29 In Chicago Part 1

The second stop on our #summerofvacations was good ol' Chi-town! Hello Beautiful!!!! This was our second time in Chicago and we had always planned to come back for the taste! We were so excited to be here. We got off the plane, put our bags down and headed to the food. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Our Anniversary Weekend + Fourth of July

We celebrated our Anniversary early in DR but for the actual day (6/26) we wanted to do something local! I planned the day and Tj the night. We got up early that morning and drove 2 hours to the Royal Gorge Route Train. The ride was 2 hours and they serviced breakfast.

We had breakfast in the Vista Dome cart with great views of the mountains.

There was an open cart and the weather was awesome!

Maybe a little hot for these two.

Tj made the best dinner choice in LIFE!!!!!! Elway's in downtown Denver, as in John Elway. It was a tough run for our favorite after Mastro's in Beverly Hills. I almost hurt myself trying to finish it. The food was matched by the incredible service we received. 

Day dreaming…..

The next day we went to the Taco Festival! Denver is a great place to enjoy food. 

If you saw this picture on my Instagram (@mrshazleyandababy) then you know I was pretty impressed by this funnel cake on a stick, especially since I can never finish a regular one by myself. 

For the 4th, I had to work the day before and of so not much planning went into what we would get into. We ended up going a local park to wait on the fireworks display. But after about an hour and a half wait and being unsure of the actual start time, our bellies were rumbling and we had to surrender or great spot for a food hunt. Of course 15 minutes after leaving they began and we had to settle for watching them through the cracks of some buildings. Surprisingly, Noelle did great but at the finale with people screaming and clapping it was enough to make her upset.

Elle's 15 & 16 Month Update

We are a couple weeks behind but here it is! "No" and "stop", these are now her favorite words. Where did we go wrong? Lol! Noelle is a force to be reckoned with. After bath time is the WORST with her running away from us to avoid that dreaded baby massage that she gets every night. Poor her! The first picture is exactly the way she likes her room, with the floor full of books. Reading has quickly become one of her favorite things to do. She brings us books constantly, with usually the same 3 to 4 in rotation. As soon as the books get put away she's back to spilling them back on the floor.