Thursday, May 7, 2015

Eating Our Way Through The Neighborhood

We are now settled in our new apartment, with just a few more details to finish. It is still hard to believe we'll be here for a year. It just seems so permanent. I never thought I'd be living in Denver. We've been exploring our surroundings and completely fell off the wagon when it comes to eating healthy. There are so many choices for food just steps, literally steps from our apartment door. Our apartment has a great gym and we need to get in there before things get out of hand. 

From crawfish pastry pies, taco Tuesday's, burger bars and a milk shake that I cannot keep my paws off (neither can Noelle) this is going to be a long lease.

I need to gain some self control and FAST! We've got some swim suit worthy vacations coming very soon and I need to get my life together. 

We are so interested to find out how our lives here will unfold here. God has come through yet again and I am extended for work through June. Keep me in your prayers as we wait to see what God has in store for us. I cannot wait to decorate a entire new home, my pinterest board is popping with all sorts of inspiration of the Joanna and Chip variety. Until then we have to make our our apartment feel like home without purchasing any expensive furniture until we are in a house. Here are a couple of pictures of our current space.

Our apartment has a long hall way entry which isn't ideal for space but we wanted to get something to hide our shoes and house our keys. This piece from Ikea was perfect.

 I had never owned a futon before San Diego but it has been a great in between until we get a more permanent situation.

This little area was a new addition and I love it. Just a little something to enjoy coffee at, blog or get a little reading on. 

We finally visited the animal refuge recently and it was nice but I wanted to get closer, but I guess that wouldn't have been the safest thing. 

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